6 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Hemophilia

6 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Hemophilia

The condition of hemophilia hampers the clotting of blood after an injury due to the absence or deficiency of certain proteins known as clotting factors. Although this rare condition has no cure with proper medications and a few diet and lifestyle tips it can be effectively managed. Listed below are a few lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients.

1. Exercise
Physical activity is necessary to achieve and maintain the good health of our bodies. It can help to manage weight and boost bone and muscle strength. Hence, one of the lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients is to take part in some form of physical activity. Safe options are swimming, walking, and cycling. Engaging in contact sports increases the risk of injury or bleeding and should be avoided.

2. Avoid certain medicines
One of the important lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients to keep in mind is to avoid taking certain medicines that can thin the blood such as heparin and warfarin. Also, avoiding common over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen is recommended. Although patients with hemophilia can safely take acetaminophen for pain relief, you should consult your doctor. Also, you need to make doctors and healthcare professionals aware of your condition and seek alternatives if necessary. Informing your friends, family, and work colleagues that you come in contact with on a regular basis of your condition can be beneficial as they would know what to do in case of an injury.

3. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Practicing good dental or oral hygiene is one of the beneficial lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients. This is because proper care and cleaning of the gums and teeth can help to avoid dental work that can lead to bleeding. You can speak to a dentist on how to effectively care for and manage your teeth and gums to achieve good oral health.

4. Use Safety Gear
This is especially important for children who have been diagnosed with this bleeding disorder. Using safety gear such as helmets and knee and elbow pads when cycling can help to prevent injuries and bleeding. Also, discourage any forms of play or games that are rough or could lead to injuries. Ensure that the furniture in your home does not have any sharp corners that can cause cuts or bruises. Always ensure that the floor is clear and free of items that can result in tripping or falling. Moreover, ensure that your child wears a seatbelt when in the car.

5. Do Yearly Checkups
Getting yearly checkups can help to prevent infections that affect the blood in patients with hemophilia. Consult a doctor about getting vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

6. Know the Signs
After an accident or mishap, although there might not be external bleeding, internal bleeding could occur. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of this can help to reduce the chances of further complications.

Trying to follow a few of these lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients could help to prevent bleeding episodes and complications in people with this condition.