Foods That Trigger Excessive Sweating

Foods That Trigger Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal natural process. However, some individuals tend to sweat more than others in certain situations such as when they are anxious or stressed. In this regard, there are a few foods and beverages that can cause an increase in sweating. Listed below are some of the worst foods for someone who experiences heavy sweating.

1. Spicy foods
At the top of all lists of the worst foods for heavy sweating, you would find this type of food. Spicy foods increase sweating as they cause body temperature to rise due to a boost in metabolism. Most often, foods that increase metabolism are known to cause sweating.

2. Certain fruits and vegetables
You might not even be aware of this but some fruits and vegetables are the worst foods for heavy sweating. Fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of complex carbohydrates and fiber require more energy to digest. Energy is produced by metabolism. Hence, as mentioned above, an increase in metabolism can result in sweating. Also, consuming fruits and vegetables that have a high vitamin B content can increase sweating as this vitamin increases the internal temperature of the body, which results in sweating. Some foods such as onion and garlic can change the odor of your sweat. Hence, limiting their intake could help keep your breath and sweat from becoming worse.

3. Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine that boosts the functioning of the central nervous system and increases heart rate and blood pressure. This burst of energy stimulates the functioning of the sweat glands. This results in an increase in sweating. To reduce sweating, avoiding coffee and other caffeinated beverages might be a good idea. Also, drinking a warm beverage such as coffee results in an increase in body temperature, which prompts the body to produce sweat to cool down.

4. Salty foods
Foods that have a high amount of salt such as packaged foods are some of the worst foods for heavy sweating. When you eat a large amount of salt, your body tries to get rid of it through urine and sweat. Hence, avoiding certain sauces, pickles, and chips could help improve your condition.

5. Alcoholic drinks
Just like coffee, alcohol increases the heart rate. It can also dilate the blood vessels. This results in sweating, which is the body’s way of trying to cool itself down.

6. Foods that are high in fat
Consuming junk food, processed foods, high-fat milk, and other foods that are rich in fat could increase the amount you sweat as they are difficult to digest. Your body works extra hard to process these foods, which results in sweating.