Early Warning Signs of Leukemia in Adults and Children

Early Warning Signs of Leukemia in Adults and Children

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the body’s blood tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. There are many types of leukemia, some more common in children than adults. Listed below are some of the early warning signs of leukemia that should not be ignored. Early warning signs of leukemia in adults There are many types of leukemia that cannot be detected in the early stages, as there are no visible symptoms. When signs appear, they could vary depending on the type of cancer. However, some of the common signs and symptoms of leukemia are: Fever Fatigue or tiredness that does not get better even after resting Infections that are frequent or severe Weight loss that occurs even without any changes in diet or increase in physical activity Bleeding or bruising easily Frequent nosebleeds The appearance of red spots on the skin known as petechiae Bone pain Increased sweating, especially at night The symptoms of leukemia are often vague and easy to overlook, as they are similar to other common health conditions such as the flu. However, if one’s symptoms are persistent or recurring, they should consult a doctor. Early warning signs of leukemia in children This is the most common form of cancer affecting children.
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Early Warning Signs of Melanoma

Early Warning Signs of Melanoma

The early warning signs of melanoma or any other form of skin cancer are most often detected by unusual moles, markings, sores, blemishes, or lumps on the skin. Changes in the appearance or texture of the skin in a certain part could also be an indicator of skin conditions or disease. Recognizing the early warning signs of melanoma You can follow the ABCDE rule to determine whether a mole or spot is one of the early warning signs of melanoma and if it should be a cause of concern. A – Asymmetry Both halves of the mole or spot don’t match or differ in appearance. B – Border The edges are irregular, scalloped, or blurred. C – Color The color of the mole is not uniform; it may have a mix of patches of color that could be brown, black, pink, red, blue, or white. A normal mole has an even color that is usually brown, black, or tan. D – Diameter The spot is larger than the size of a pencil eraser. However, some melanomas can be smaller. Moles that are present from birth are most often less than 6mm in diameter. E – Evolving The spot or mole changes in shape, size, or appearance.
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Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Anomalous growth inside the nose is called nasal polyps. When they are in their initial stages, they are often harmless and do not cause any pain. However, if the situation persists and if the growth gets infected, medical intervention might be required. Knowing about the early warning signs of nasal polyps makes it possible for people to opt for timely treatment. Here are the early warning signs of nasal polyps that you should not ignore. 1. Blocked nose In some cases, the growth results in a similar effect caused by nose blockage, which occurs due to accumulated mucus. In this case, you would breathe normally through one nostril while the other where the polyp has come up might be blocked. This makes it difficult to breathe normally. 2. Runny nose The presence of watery mucus is also a sign of nasal polyp. Several flu-like infections might result in a runny nose. But if you notice both a stuffy nose and runny nose occurring randomly, it could also be due to the growth of polyps. 3. Sinus-like symptoms When the polyp starts growing, it might lead to the accumulation of mucus in the face. This results in a sinus-like pain in the face.
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6 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

6 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a condition in which the harmful cells in the prostate grow out of control. While some of these cancers are slow-growing, many are aggressive and can spread beyond the prostate gland. As per experts, early detection and personalized treatment increase the chances of recovery from the condition. Hence, make sure you watch out for these early warning signs of prostate cancer and consult a specialist without delay: 1. Urination problems Urination problems are the most common early warning signs of prostate cancer. Signs to watch for include: Frequent urination, especially at night Urgency to urinate Decreased force of urine stream Slow and weak urine stream Dribbling and feelings of partial emptying Presence of blood or pus in urine or semen A sharp pain or burning sensation during urination Loss of bladder control Trouble starting or stopping while urinating 2. Erectile dysfunction This is yet another warning sign of prostate cancer. Sudden erectile dysfunction or painful ejaculation can be because of the growth of malignant cells in the prostate gland. 3. Pain Pain in the lower back, thighs, and hips may happen when cancer spreads to the lower body. There may also be a sudden pain around the prostate, especially while sitting.
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7 Early Indicators of Ovarian Cancer

7 Early Indicators of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a condition in which harmful or abnormal cells in the ovaries multiply rapidly and form a tumor. If it is not diagnosed and treated in time, then the tumor may spread outside the ovaries, causing complications. While ovarian cancer has many warning signs, the early ones can be unclear and easy to ignore. Here’s a look at some of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer. 1. Abdominal bloating It is normal for one to feel bloated around their monthly cycle. However, if bloating lasts for many weeks, then it can be one of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer. Some may also experience frequent heartburns along with bloating. 2. Pain Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen or pelvic region can be a warning sign of ovarian cancer. It is similar to period cramps, and many women tend to ignore it. If the pain lessens when one makes certain changes to their diet, then it may be a gastrointestinal problem. Many times, the pain is stress-related. Hence, it can be difficult to know the actual cause. However, if one experiences pain along with other symptoms of ovarian cancer, then they should consult a doctor without delay.
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Early Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder

Early Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to urinate many times during the day and night. Some people may also experience urine leakage even while doing everyday activities, such as bending, lifting, or exercising. An overactive bladder can cause a lot of embarrassment and limit your work and social life. 1. Symptoms of OAB It is important to watch out for these early warning symptoms and make necessary lifestyle changes to deal with the condition. Urgent need to urinate This is a common warning sign or symptom of an overactive bladder. You may feel the need to urinate urgently and have to rush to the washroom. Frequent urination If you feel the urge to urinate multiple times during the day and night, then you may have an overactive bladder. In simple terms, there is a noticeable increase in the number of times you go to the washroom to pass urine in a day. According to experts, urinating more than seven times a day can be a sign of an overactive bladder. Nocturia This is a condition in which you have to wake up a couple of times during the night to urinate. While high fluid intake in the evening hours can be a reason behind this, it can also happen because of OAB.
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Avoid These Foods to Reduce Gout Flare-Ups

Avoid These Foods to Reduce Gout Flare-Ups

Gout is a kind of arthritis that causes pain, inflammation, and tenderness in joints. Usually, the joints of the big toes are attacked first. Gout is a result of uric acid crystallization in the joints. Gout flare-ups happen randomly and can cause intense pain. When you have gout, you should be avoiding purine-rich foods. Purine is a chemical compound found in foods that turns into uric acid. Here are some of the foods to avoid for gout. 1. Offal Offal is the internal organs of animals that people enjoy all over the world as food. Kidneys, liver, and heart all are types of offal meat. Offal meat is quite high in purine content. When you regularly consume the internal organs of animals, the uric acid levels in the body build up. This can lead to gout flare-ups. 2. Seafood Another of the top categories of foods to avoid for gout is seafood. Seafood includes lobsters, sardines, all kinds of fish, and mussels. These are all naturally high in purine. People who live near the sea and are habituated to eating seafood suffer from gout flare-ups often. 3. High-fructose corn syrup High-fructose corn syrup is made with corn and is considered a type of artificial sugar.
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6 Foods to Avoid for Arthritis Sufferers

6 Foods to Avoid for Arthritis Sufferers

Arthritis is a condition that causes swelling, tenderness, pain, and stiffness in the joints. There are many factors that can worsen the symptoms, such as repetitive movement, cold weather, and stress. Apart from these, the foods you eat may also increase arthritis pain, swelling, and discomfort. According to experts, removing certain foods and beverages from your diet may reduce the severity of the condition and improve the quality of life. 1. Foods containing gluten Gluten, a group of proteins present in wheat, rye, and barley, may increase inflammation and worsen arthritis symptoms. Research has proved that going gluten-free foods help ease the symptoms. If you already have celiac disease, the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) increases. Hence, it is better to avoid foods containing gluten. 2. Processed and red meats According to experts, including red and processed meats in your diet may also worsen arthritis symptoms. These foods contain high amounts of inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and homocysteine. The results of a study showed that red meat increased RA symptoms. Another one showed that red meat might elevate the risk of inflammatory arthritis. 3. Processed foods Breakfast cereals, fast foods, and baked products are important foods to avoid for arthritis pain.
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6 Foods to Avoid to Manage Multiple Sclerosis

6 Foods to Avoid to Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis adversely affects the immune system and leads to patches in the myelin sheath, the fatty substance required to ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important for people with multiple sclerosis. It is equally crucial to keep certain foods at bay. Here are six foods to avoid for multiple sclerosis. 1. Red meat In the list of the foods to avoid for multiple sclerosis, red meat is quite important. This food includes a high amount of saturated fats. It can raise your blood cholesterol. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of stroke and other heart complications. Moreover, problems like hypertension and heart diseases can aggravate multiple sclerosis. 2. Refined sugar Products with refined sugar can increase weight. Being overweight can make it difficult for people with multiple sclerosis to perform daily activities. This can also lead to fatigue, which is a common symptom of the condition. Moreover, sugar can even lead to swelling in the blood vessel, aggravating multiple sclerosis. 3. Salt Too much salt in the diet can lead to multiple sclerosis. It is among the foods to avoid for multiple sclerosis. Keep a check on the intake of sodium regularly.
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Foods to Avoid for Osteoporosis Patients

Foods to Avoid for Osteoporosis Patients

Osteoporosis is a condition of bone weakness that occurs when the bones become brittle. The deficiency of calcium and vitamin D in the regular diet could be one of the primary triggers of this condition. The foods to avoid with osteoporosis would be those that meddle with the absorption of these two essential nutrients. Common foods to avoid with osteoporosis are as follows. 1. Caffeine This is one of your diet’s main ingredients that can result in the rapid loss of calcium from your body. If you cannot skip your daily coffee, you might end up worsening your osteoporosis. Women, mainly in the high-risk category, can improve their diet by cutting back on caffeine found in tea, coffee, and sodas. 2. Soy This ingredient is known to be good at binding with calcium. Even if you are consuming a calcium-rich diet, excess soy can result in the two ingredients to combine and reduce the amount of calcium left for absorption by your bones. People who already have a low calcium level may start losing their bones’ strength with regular intake of soy-based items. 3. Salt Limiting salt intake is one of the critical pieces of advice that most osteoporosis patients receive.
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